Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Spread your blessings

December 19, 2006

December seems to be the season for partying! There are brunches and lunches and cocktail parties and dinner parties and dances. Many of thse events are used as fund raisers for charitable organizations. Many are just get-togethers with friends - new and old. Whatever the occasion, the pace of our lives seems to be on fast forward.

The holiday spirit can be spread in many places. Those bell ringers for the Salvation Army feel rewarded when the store patrons pause to slip some money in the kettle. Of course you can always make a donation. Check out the web site at www.salvationarmy.org. This years online "red kettle campaign" allows individuals and groups to host one of the Salvation Armt's famous red kettles, vitually.

The Boys and Girls Clubs (ww.bgca.org) provide after school care, arts and crafts classes, tutoring, sports and many other activities for young people. Check your local phone book if you want to send a check.

Anysoldier.com has wish lists and contact info for nearly 4,500 servicemen and women. They pack up a care bundle of books, magazines, chocolate and phone cards.

The agents at Century 21 Lois Lauer Realty just sent bikes and dolls and computer games to the San Bernardino County Chilidren's Fund. Another group, instead of a gift exchange, sent checks to Family Service. This saves looking for the $20 gift that probably won't be loved and gives some needful person a gift they would not have had.

Be creative and be charitable. It makes the holidays less hectic.


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