Thursday, March 22, 2007

Positive Scents

March 22, 2007

Airport Terminals and Malls have figured out that the aroma of cinnamon buns is pleasant to practically all people. Not only does that cinnamon scent evoke memories of home, it also seems to have a calming effect. Real estate agents have known for some time that baking bread or cookies at an open house can be an important part of the staging.

Alan Hirsch, founder and neurological director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, asserts smell can change a person's perception of his or her surroundings. Forget MUSAK, go for the cinnamon buns!

Want guests to feel welcome? Hirsch says vanilla elicits "a feeling of safety and comfort."

To suppress the munchies, a peppermint scent will curb your urge to nosh.

To fire up your workout, buttered popcorn is the scent to turn to if you want an energy boost while exercising.

A scent I really came to enjoy was the Lamps Bergere Green Apple scented oil. I had not read about Hirsch's research, but of all the scents I tried at my gallery, green apple was my favorite.
Hirsch says that to trick the brain into thinking that a space is larger than it is, break out a green apple fragrance. (I purchased mine at the San Bernardino County Museum Gift Store.)

I found Hirsch's studies interesting and certainly worth testing. Positive scenets make good sense.


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