Friday, March 02, 2007


March 1, 2007

I had a laser procedure on my eyes yesterday and I was struck with how much "trust" was required. Obviously, one must first trust that the doctor doing the procedure knows what he is doing. That trust usually is the result of reputation and recommendations from friends as well as one's own assesment in the pre-op interview. It was after the procedure as I was being guided to walk from the operating room and into a recovery room that I realized I had to completely trust the nurse since I could not see anything. For a person such as myself who likes to be in control, this made me aware of the "trust" I was putting in a complete stranger. As I sat in the recovery room, I thought about real estate clients and the kind of trust they must put in their agent.

A seller may call an agent based on a recommendation of a friend or the agent's reputation
in the community. They may interview one or more agents, but if they are unfamiliar with the process of selling a property, they are in the position of putting "trust" in the knowledge and skills of the agents. Just as I did not know what questions to ask the eye surgeon, they may not know the questions to ask the agents.

Selling a home has become a very complex process. Agents who are active in the market, sometimes forget that their clients may not be familiar and, hard as they may try not to, they may skip over some of the smaller details. As a seller or a buyer there is no question too unimportant. Ask and ask until you are clear about the process. A professional agent will always be willing to answer or to refer you to the appropriate professional.

To all our present and past clients, "Thank you for "trusting" us."


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