Monday, January 28, 2008

What's In - Destination Bathroom?

January 28, 2008

In yesterday's Los Angeles Times, Real Estate Section, there was a small article titled "What's new on buyers' wish lists". Since I believe it is important for real estate agents to know what amenities appeal to buyers, I read this small article with interest.

Mark Nash, author of several real estate books has completed his annual survey of buyer preferences. I quote from the article:

"Among the findings: Buyers want a destination bathroom - the kind of getaway that has multiple task areas like a freestanding or throne bathtub, a flat screen TV, wireless Internet and an in-home hair salon..

And, because we love our pets so, how about a shower for Fido that he can simply step into instead of having to be hoisted?

Ugh to those chair-on-the-rail-systems for aging boomers who can't handle stairs; bring on the min-elevators.

And who among us doesn't secretly long for a "statement" fireplace - outdoors of course."

The article was written by Ann Brenoff.

It seems to me that this 2008 wish list is certainly an example of "conspicuous consumption:.


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