Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Green" is Becoming the New Buzz Word

February 26, 2008

Have you noticed lately that "Green" is the new buzz word. Governments at all levels are talking about enacting "green" standards. Developers are suggesting that the homes they build meet "green" guidelines. And soon the party folks will be "wearing the green" for the annual St. Patrick's Day celebrations.

So what makes a city or a home or a consumer product "green"?

"Green" has to do with reducing carbon dioxide emissions and electric energy usage. As a homeowner, you can conduct an energy audit to check how much electricity you are using. Newer models of appliances and electronic devices will generally use less electricity than older models. That is why your electric utility will offer rebates on a purchase of a new refrigerator or freezer. However, as homeowners switch to the new LCD or Plasma TV sets, the electricity consumption will increase, not decrease.

If you are planning a purchase of a product that will use electricity, here are some organizations that are attempting to rate the new products.

Energy Star - A voluntary program set up by the U.S. Department of Energy in 1992 to recognize energy-efficient products.

Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool - A guide by the Green Electronics Council to assess the environmental attributes of computers and monitors. EPEAT criteria weigh design, manufacturing, packaging, use, disassembly, recycling and disposal.

80 Plus - Certified products have power supplies that are more efficient than standard power supplies.

Of course if you really want to go green, you can consider changing your home power supply from electricity to solar. Expensive, but perhaps over time the most environmentally friendly choice.


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