Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Its Time to Stop and Smell the Roses

July 16, 2008

Its time to stop and smell the roses - or the mimosa blossoms, or the sweet alyssum or the honeysuckle or the gardenias or the petunias. Just driving around our neighborhoods can be a sensual treat. Visually the crepe myrtle trees are in full bloom and the agapanthus line many flower beds. With messages of doom and gloom all around us, it is time to stop and enjoy the beautiful sights and smells that surround us. I even get thrilled by the smell of my 2 tomato plants and the small growing green tomatoes!

Like most things, our gardens need our attention and our care. Keeping the spent blossoms picked will encourage more blooms in the future. Soon the gardenias will have finished their blooming time and that will be a good time to prune for the future. If you want more color and more aromas, this is still a good time to visit your local garden store and purchase some colorful annuals.

Don't let yourself succumb to the doom and gloom!


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