Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Time to "Duck and Cover"

November 12, 2008

The day of the "Great Southern California Shakeout" arrives tomorrow, Thursday, November 13, 2008. It was several months ago that I first posted a piece about this event planned by seismologists to raise awareness about earthquake preparedness.

I quote from a column in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal:

"At 10 a.m. on Thursday, geologists hope that more than five million people around Los Angeles will participate in a disaster drill built around a 7.8 magnitude earthquake along the San Andreas fault. ...It is billed as the largest earthquake-preparedness event in U.S. history."

Since, we, in the Inland Empire, have a portion of the mighty San Andreas in our backyard, the counties and many municipalities are participating in this event. The San Bernardino Museum will have a gathering of more than 300 school children in the Fisk Auditorium and the simulated earthquake event will be part of Thursday mornings scheduled activities.

Many of us who will be at work and who are not actively participating in this event, might take a moment at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. We could get fellow workers to duck under their desks for the experience of how quickly one can take cover.

To register for the Shakeout or for more information, visit The hope is that with this event, citizens will become more motivated to develop their own emergency plans and supplies. If this magnitude earthquake were to occur, awareness and preparedness would be key to surviving the aftermath.


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