Monday, December 29, 2008

Shed the Doom and Gloom

December 29, 2008

It seems to me that it has become fashionable to try to bemoan the state of the housing market, the state of the credit crunch, the state of the world as a whole. Certainly there is enough "grist for the mill", but what can be the benefit of moaning about our sorry state of affairs?

If the theme of the 2008 presidential election was "change", perhaps what we now need to do is "change" our perspective. From focusing on the bad news (and I agree that the news is a bummer), it is time to on positive ways to effect a better 2009.

I heard a news person on one of the Sunday talk shows suggest that what we need is a "reset". She seemed to suggest that our value system had gotten out of whack and that it will be a better world if we learn to live within our means. We had become such a consumer society that we lost sight of real value. Her opinion was that if we recognize that we can't have it all, and that there are other important values that made our country strong, we will build a more solid foundation for economic recovery. Our homes will once again become the places where we enjoy our family life and not be just a temporary investment that we shied when markets cycle. Our livelihood will come from an honest days work and not from speculation and gambling. What a concept!

Traditionally, we make resolutions for the New Year. What sort of resolutions shall we make for the 2009 "reset" year?


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