Tuesday, February 24, 2009

If You Are Wanting to Go Native

February 24, 2009

Along with the "green", the "sustainability" trends, there is increasing interest in "native" gardens. These gardens use plants and design elements that once grew wild without any human care. With talk of water rationing, a native garden can also be very drought tolerant - because once upon a time the plants depended on rainfall or underground springs for their water needs.

A native garden also will attract native birds and butterflies, according to one source, hummingbirds will thrive in a native garden and be more attracted to it than they are to your hummingbird feeder.

If you have an interest in seeing native actual specimens, the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden in Claremont says it is the largest garden dedicated to California native plants, a place where visitors can stroll and see flora blooming from February through April. The park recently opened a "Grow Native Nursery" which offers more than 1,500 plants. It is staffed by horticulturists who can assist you in determining the plants best suited for your garden. The store is open from 9 1.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays at 1500 N. College Avenue in Claremont. (909)625-8767 or online at http://www.rsabg.org/


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