Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Even the Economic News Is Starting to Bloom

April 28, 2009

As I drove to the office this morning I was struck by the flowers that have burst into bloom since the past week. The warm weather brought out the rose blossoms. Those snap dragons that folks plant in March present a wonderful array of color. The Iris are blooming, the hawthorns are blooming and the somewhat gloomy morning was definitely brightened for me by these signs of Spring.

Also brightening up is the outlook for housing and perhaps for the economy in general. The second page of the Wall Street Journal had a headlined article citing the 64% increase in housing sales from March of 2008. According to the California Association of Realtors, we are down to a five month supply of unsold housing inventory. An interviewee on Bloomberg News TV was optimistic the housing, even in prices, may be stabilizing. Also, the report stated that the consumer confidence index had risen, which is a further sign that we may be coming out of the doom and gloom of the past 18 months.

With income tax filings now behind us and spring breaks over, traditionally this is the time that Californians refocus on their homes. We in the real estate industry are feeling this new breath of Spring!


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