Tuesday, May 19, 2009

California's Special Election

May 19, 2009

Each year it seems that California voters are asked to help the elected officials make laws. I am unaware of any other state that uses the initiative process as much as California. One of the most memorable initiatives is Proposition 13 - the property tax regulation that has been in effect since 1978. Perhaps its success is what keeps special interest groups as well as Sacramento legislators continually proposing new initiatives.

The six propositions in today's special election are the result of lawmakers' February budget agreement. Proponents, including Governor Schwarzenegger believe that these propositions will keep California solvent. The opposition sees them as diverting funds from other public programs rather than creating new monies for support of the government. California finances have become a complicated system.

It seems clear that changes need to be made in our state constitution. The budget impasses that the legislature goes through every year have an unsettling effect on citizens and create an uncertain environment. The beauty of Proposition 13 was the creation of a methodology for computing property taxes that was clear and concise: 1% of market value plus a municipality's bonded indebtedness.
You the voters have a chance to speak to Sacramento by casting your vote. It will be interesting to see how the you pick and choose amongst the proposals.

It is an absolutely beautiful day weather wise here in the Inland Empire. The polls opened at 7 a.m. and won't close until 8 p.m. That should be plenty of time for all of us to exercise our right to vote.


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