Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Smoothly Sliding Doors

October 14, 2009

Sometimes, when showing a home, those sliding doors to the patio are really a challenge. Sometimes they won't budge at all. Sometimes it takes a real push-pull to move them. Not a positive impression for the potential buyer of the property. (If it is a bank repo, the buyer might feel that the price reflects the condition. However, if you are a seller who is competing on the basis of the better condition of your property, this slider needs attention.

From a book by Jerry Baker entitled "Cleaning Magic", here are a few suggestions.

Run a bar of white soap over the track; open and close the door several times to work the slippery soap into the moving parts.

If the track is already filled with gunk, use a screwdriver and dig the gunk out. Use a spatula or some sort of flat blade to lift the loosened gunk out of the track or vacuum up the loose debris. Wrap a damp cloth around the screwdriver blade and run it through the track. Then apply a sliding door lubricant like Ultra Glide* and the door should be ready to roll.

You could also try Scrubbing Bubbles* bathroom cleaner. You may still need the screwdriver to reach into the corners.

A sliding door that glides smoothly in its track may seem like a minor detail, but it is the minor details that give a property a competitive edge.


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