Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Predictions Are Everywhere

December 29, 2009
I thought I might add a few predictions that actually might have a chance of being on target in 2010.
1. After almost two years of real estate price declines, sellers will recognize that prices are no longer what they were in 2005-2006. Some will even recognize the need to pay attention to the current analysis that a competent real estate agent prepares for them. The "but I want what I could have sold for two years ago" will no longer be their mantra.
2. Prices will not rise significantly and in some segments of the market prices may still see downside adjustments.
3. Buyers will adjust to new lender requirements for down payment monies and loan to income ratios.
4. FHA loans and probably VA loans will be major financing options.
5. Foreclosures will still be with us, but by the end of 2010 should be a smaller percentage of the real estate scene.
There are five predictions to check on this time next year. I'll be paying attention as 2010 evolves.


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