Thursday, January 14, 2010

Are You Prepared?

January 14, 2010

I have posted several blogs regarding earthquake preparedness and the huge quake in Haiti serves to remind us that earthquakes can occur at any time. We are fortunate that current building codes in California have strengthened are buildings and are transportation corridors, but the mantra from emergency agencies continues to be "Be prepared to survive on your own without public services for the first 72 hours after a major quake.

It is a new year and it would be timely to check your earthquake supplies. Do you have water?

Do you have imperishable food? Do you have a battery operated radio? How will you charge your cell phone? Have you made arrangements with family or friends out of the state for your family members to contact? (In listening to some interviews of Haitians living in the U.S., the inability to contact family members was a huge cause of concern.) Do you have your earthquake supplies stored in a place that will be accessible if your home is damaged?

It is easy to become casual about earthquakes. However, now is the time to pause and use this holiday weekend to review your preparedness. (if you google "earthquake preparedness" there are some great resources including a detailed checklist for securing your home.)


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