Tuesday, February 02, 2010

6 More Weeks of Winter?

February 2, 2010

In Southern California, Groundhog Day may not be a big event. In fact, many folks might remember it as the name of a fun movie of 1993 starring Bill Murray. However, for the residents of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, Groundhog Day is a big deal.

Since 1887, a groundhog has been used to determine the remaining days of winter weather. If the groundhog, now lovingly named Punxsutawney Phil, sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter, if he does not get frightened by his shadow, winter weather will disappear.

Well, the reports today are that there will be six more weeks of winter as Phil saw his shadow.

In Pennsylvania and in many other states, winter can be pretty arduous. In Southern California, thus far, our winter has been in some ways a blessing. We have had cold weather, rain and snow in the mountains. Skiers and resort operators have loved it. The water utilities are pleased that reservoirs are filling. The burn areas, again, thus far, have survived the rain and debris basins have worked remarkably well. And for photographers and artists and the rest of us who live in the shadow of the mountains, the gorgeous white mountainsides have been a sight to behold.

If Punxsutawney Phil is predicting six more weeks of winter for us, let's hope it can be similar to what we have already experienced.

House hunting and house building in the east may be hampered by the weather, rain may be a deterrent here, but those crisp and bright sunny days, make the Inland Empire a great place to live.

Happy Groundhog Day !


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