Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Every 10 years - America Takes a Count

March 16, 2010

Yesterday you should have received your official U.S. Census Bureau form. Once every ten years, the U.S. government attempts to count every person living in the United States. This is obviously an awesome task. Since the census of 2000, there have been amazing strides in data gathering. The sophisticated GIS (geographic information systems) such as the Redlands firm of ESRI have developed along with satellite mapping techniques allow mapping of homes throughout the country. If you noticed, your census form was addressed to "Resident" and then the address of the property.

Census results are used to determine how many representatives we have in the U.S. Congress. These results also may determine the amount of money our Inland Empire constituencies receive to provide a variety of services.

It is important that you answer the questions accurately and in a timely fashion. Do it today and drop it in the mail. At some point, if the census bureau has not received your data, they will be calling on you personally. This personal tracking down of folks is a tedious process. How much simpler and more cost effective this ten year counting can be if each household does its part.

The census is not meant to be an intrusion of your privacy nor a limit to your freedom. It is a way that we assess who we are.

Do it NOW!!!


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