Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day, 1970 + 40

April 22, 2010

Today is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Earth Day. Back in 1970, the issues about our planet were different than they are today, but the goal was similar. We need to be conscious of the environment and the need to take care of it.

As part of the federal stimulus program, the federal government is giving away $35.2 million to Californians who buy energy efficient appliances starting today. Each state was permitted to decide how to distribute the money. In California, the Energy Commission is administering the rebates.

California's "cash for appliances" program begins on Earth Day with hundreds of thousands of people expected to buy energy efficient appliances, recycle old ones and take advantage of the program's three rebates: $100 for washers. $75 for refrigerators. and $50 for room air conditioners. Consumers will have to mail in a sales receipt for a new, qualified appliance and proof that they disposed of their old appliance with a recycler, retailer or municipality. Like many of these other stimulus programs, it is on a first come, first serve program and the program will last only as long as the allocated money lasts.


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