Thursday, June 17, 2010

In the Inland Empire the "Blue" Jacaranda Brightens the June Gloom

June 17, 2010

Here we are in mid June and the marine layer has drifted inland and starts our mornings with the foggy "June Gloom". But we are blessed by the "Blue" Jacaranda trees. (I always thought that the jacaranda blossoms were lilac in color, but according to Wikipedia, the tree is know as the "Blue" jacaranda.

The tree is a native of South America, but has been widely transplanted to other continents. Africa, Australia and the south western portion of the United States. Folks who visit us this time of year are awed by the beauty of this tree.

In Australia, people sing a Christmas song about Jacaranda trees. In South Africa, Pretoria is popularly known as Jacaranda City.

While many homeowners complain that it is a messy tree, there is something totally fairy tale like about the blossoms and about the "blue" carpet under the trees.

While the blossoming period is relatively short, when it is upon us, it is one of the joys of our environment.


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