Thursday, August 19, 2010

Transparent and Transparency - The New Buzz Words

August 19, 2010

As I listen to news commentary, I am struck by the frequency with which the words transparent and transparency are used. I am familiar with the concept of transparent which refers to something through which things can be seen, like a window glass or a gauzy piece of fabric. But I was unsure of the exact meaning when "transparent" was used in a phrase "The loan process must be more transparent." Does the speaker mean that the loan process must be "seen through" such as when one "sees though" another's motives? Or does the speaker just mean that the process should be "clearer" so that loan applicants can better understand how a loan processing works?

Nowadays, "transparent" and "transparency" are used in almost every public discussion, so I looked up the meaning in my very old Webster Dictionary. First, I was amused to know that "transparency" is the quality or state of being transparent. I needed to look up "transparent" and did find its third, fourth and fifth meanings to be right on with current usage.

#3. easily understood

#4. easily recognized or detected

#5. open, frank, candid

Thus transparency is what we are all looking for in our business and governmental dealings.

It is fun to see how often this type of new buzz word is used. Let's hope we are all for the qualities of #3,#4,#5.


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