Thursday, October 07, 2010

Keeping Your Septic System at Peak Performance

October 7, 2010

Many homes in our market area use septic system for their sewage disposal. Most up-to-date septic systems consist of a large metal tank filled with bacteria and water plus a seepage pit or leach lines. They function very efficiently. The bacteria eat the solids and the fluids seep out via the seepage pit or leach lines.

It is important to maintain your plumbing as leaky faucets can over fill a tank if they are not repaired in a timely manner. With all the environmental concern these days, the installation of low flow toilets, low flow shower heads and other water saving devices, your septic tank function is also improved. Only running a full dishwasher and running your clothes washer only with full loads also is helpful.

Watching what you flush down your toilet is important whether or not you have a septic system for sewage disposal or whether you are on a city sewer system. Supposedly flushing a cup of baking soda down your toilet once a week is good for keeping the bacteria function as they should.

And how often do you have the septic system serviced? It depends. Many septic pumping companies recommend that septic systems be pumped every 3-5 years. Others feel less often is acceptable. Some of the need for pumping is a result of the number of folks living in the home. If just one or two folks live in the home, the tank obviously does not fill with the solids as quickly as it would if there were 4 or more folks lining in the home.

Since we have been living with a septic system for the past 22 years, we have learned that it is not something to be feared. For all we can observe, it functions as unobtrusively as did the public sewer system that we had been accustomed to.


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