Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sometimes Its Fun to Mulch

June 29, 2011

Summer is here and in our hot, dry climate, mulching around plants can help keep them moist. Here are some innovative mulching materials that I read about in a Yankee Magazine book entitled "Panty Hose, Hot Peppers, Tea Bags, and more - for the Garden".

"Recycle corks from your favorite wine bottles... Corks allow water to pass through but provide insulation from heat and cold."

Do you have old marbles? "Put those marbles to good use - as mulch in plant containers. Arrange them at least one marble thick over the soil. They'll be prettier and more effective, though, if you add a couple of layers so that the top ones can catch the light."

"That old used aquarium gravel makes a fine mulch for containers. Coordinate the colors of the gravel with the blooms of the plant."

These creative ideas always provide fun reading and are actually fun to implement.


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