Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Keeping Your Roses Healthy

July 27, 2011

Roses in Southern California are generally pretty spectacular. There are the climbing roses, the tree roses, the floribundas, the ground cover roses. You name a variety and it will grow, bloom and often scent your yard.

However, one of the scourges of rose bushes is the tiny little aphid. They seem to thrive on rose buds and before you know it, the buds and blossoms become stunted.

You can spray them with the hose or use a mixture of dish detergent and water. Another effective treatment for you roses is "terrible tea". To make this tea, mince two cloves of garlic and put in a jar with a pint of boiling water. After the mixture cools, strain out the garlic and put the remaining liquid in a spray bottle. Spray your new rose shoots and buds and the aphids should stay away.

Probably so will other pesky bugs and your pets will not be harmed.


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