Friday, July 29, 2011

The Magic of Cinderella

July 29, 2011

A wonderful treat is in store for those who can attend the Redlands Bowl tonight and tomorrow night. At 8:15 the Community Music Association will present the summer musical. This year's choice is Roger and Hammerstein's "Cinderella". Under the direction of Wayne Scott, a magical evening has been created. The portrayals of all the characters are fun, witty and quite charming.

If you are not familiar with the Bowl Summer Music Festival, here is an opportunity to experience the tradition of music for everyone. There is no admission charge. "Bowls" are passed at intermission and a free will donation is collected.

In these days, we could all use the flights of fancy that this fairy tale offers.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summertime - And the Crape Myrtles are Blooming

July 28, 2011

The deciduous crape myrtle is among the longest blooming trees. Its flowering period can last from 60 to 120 days. Large, showy clusters come in white, lavender, purple, pink and almost red. They brighten our streets and parks. Forget the "dog days of summer ' and enjoy these incredibly beautiful trees.

The origin of these trees is Asia and some sources cite China as the actual origin.

The tree was first introduced in England and in the U.S. in the eighteenth century, but it is now cultivated through out the world as climates permit. Actually it was originally a bush but has been trained to be a tree.

If you are interested in adding spectacular color to your landscape, summer is a good time to do so as you can pick the color when the plant is in bloom.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Keeping Your Roses Healthy

July 27, 2011

Roses in Southern California are generally pretty spectacular. There are the climbing roses, the tree roses, the floribundas, the ground cover roses. You name a variety and it will grow, bloom and often scent your yard.

However, one of the scourges of rose bushes is the tiny little aphid. They seem to thrive on rose buds and before you know it, the buds and blossoms become stunted.

You can spray them with the hose or use a mixture of dish detergent and water. Another effective treatment for you roses is "terrible tea". To make this tea, mince two cloves of garlic and put in a jar with a pint of boiling water. After the mixture cools, strain out the garlic and put the remaining liquid in a spray bottle. Spray your new rose shoots and buds and the aphids should stay away.

Probably so will other pesky bugs and your pets will not be harmed.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Suggestions for Reducing That Electric Bill

July 26, 2011

Now that the heat of summer has arrived and you have received that HUGE electric bill, you may be looking for some ways to cut your usage and thus your bill.

Here are a few suggestions - some gleaned from a book entitled "How To Do (Just About) Everything Right the First Time". by the editors of FC&A Publishing:

1) Replace the five most used incandescent light bulbs with Energy Star compact fluorescent bulbs.

2) Sign up for your utility company load management and off-peak rate programs.

3) Install an Energy Star programmable thermostat. It will automatically adjust the temperature at night and while you are away.

4)Wash your clothes in cold water using a detergent formulated for cold water.

5) Unplug small appliances. Even when toasters, computers and most other electric appliances are off, they are still using energy.

6) For more costly energy reduction, you can replace old appliances and your heating and cooling equipment with Energy Star qualified products.

7) Improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system by keeping the filters clean.

I have tried some of these and it really did help to lower my electric bill.

Monday, July 25, 2011

"7 Out of 10 Renters..."

July 25, 2011

According to the 2011 National Housing Pulse Survey released on July 6, 2011, the majority of renters (72%) surveyed said owning a home is a top priority for the future. This number is up from the 63% in 2010. Those surveyed also agreed that buying a home is a good financial decision. Two thirds also felt that now is a good time to purchase a home.

A question that seemed not to be part of the survey is "What is holding you back?" For some it may be credit; for others it may be accumulating the down payment. It could also be that the "perfect" house has not yet appeared on the search sites and these renters are not ready to explore the market with a real estate agent.

Hopefully the reason that these renters are not snapping up the available inventory is not that the available inventory is less than their expectations of what they want. First home purchases often require some compromises between what is desired and what can be afforded.

There are really many properties in nice neighborhoods at half what they cost just 5 years ago. It really is a great time to enter the house buying scene.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Want to be a Potter?

July 22, 2011
When I say "Potter" I don't refer to Harry Potter. I am referring to the opportunity to make clay pots at the San Bernardino County Museum. From 1 to 4 p.m. tomorrow, Saturday, July 23, you can have the experience of "Making Clay". You will need to pre register so that they are prepared for the number of attendees.
You can go to the web site
or call 909-307-2669. The museum is located at 2024 Orange Tree Lane in Redlands. The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hot and Dry - It's Ant Season

July 21, 2011

When it is very dry and hot outside, the ants do like to come where they might find food and moisture. Have you ever gone to your kitchen first thing in the morning and there, walking in a line across the countertop are ants? Ugh.

Grab some paper towels and wet them thoroughly. Squeeze the water out. Wipe the countertop. Throw the wet towels away and wipe again. This time with white vinegar soaked towels. The vinegar obliterates the ants' scent trails so that the rest of the colony can't follow them to the food source.

You can also put whole cloves or bay leaves behind canisters or on your cabinet shelves.

If you trace the column of ants back to where they are entering, sprinkle cinnamon or red chili pepper around that area.

There are also ant traps and a variety of chemical sprays that can be used, but these environmentally friendly should do the trick.

Of course, cleaning up dirty dishes and grease splatters will help deter the ant invasion.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Did You Know? New California Law

July 20, 2011

We are now twenty days into the month of July and a new California law affecting residential homeowners went into effect on July 1, 2011. It requires carbon monoxide detectors to be installed in every "dwelling unit intended for human occupancy."

You may ask: What is a carbon monoxide detector? It is a device similar to a smoke detector that signals the detection of carbon monoxide in the air. Under the law it must produce a distinct audible alarm when carbon monoxide is detected in the air. It can be a battery powered device, a plug-in device with a battery backup, or a device that is wired into the alternating current power line of the dwelling unit with a secondary battery backup. Home Depot, Lowe's and other home supply stores have stocked a supply of these devices with a variety of features.

For minimum security, a CO alarm should be centrally located outside each sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. The Alarm should be located at least 6 inches from all exterior walls and at least 3 feet from supply or return vents.

If you haven't already installed a CO Alarm, it is important to do so. If you have a home listed for sale, you need to know that the appraiser will call out the lack of a CO Alarm and will need to reinspect to make certain that one has been installed prior to loan approval. If you own rental property, it is important to install the CO Alarms ASAP to be in compliance with the law.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Over $400,000 - Showing Life

July 19, 2011

From median prices in the over $400,000 range in 2006 and 2007 to almost no sales in the over $400,000, I thought that this segment of the market would be worth watching. So for the first half of 2011, here are the number of closed sales reported through the CRMLS.

Banning/Beaumont........Only 1 sale reported and that was in April

Bloomington................... 1 sale reported in June; none in the other months

Colton..............................No sales reported over $400,000


Grand Terrace................No sales reported over $400,000

Highland.........................2 sales in Feb. and 1 in June; none in the other months

Loma Linda....................1 in April; none in the other months

Mentone.........................No sales reported over $400,000

Moreno Valley...............1 sales reported in June; none in the other months


Rialto.............................No sales reported over $400,000


San Bernardino............2 in Jan and 1 in Mar; none in the other months


The totals for the 14 communities are better in the second quarter.


Here's to the upward trend!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Median Prices June 2011-2003

July 18, 2011

I believe on Wednesday this week, N.A.R. will be announcing the housing data for the month of June 2011. Here are the median prices as calculated from the data reported through the CRMLS. I remind you that these numbers are derived from taking the total number of closed transactions, dividing by 2 and selecting the price at that halfway point as the median.

(Add the 3 zeros to arrive at the price.)









Grand Terrace.....................2011/165.....2010/182.....2009/189....2008/307....2007/370




Loma Linda............2011/199......2010/250...2009/169.....2008/270....2007/435




Moreno Valley.......2011/153......2010/160....2009/130.....2008/200....2007/355








San Bernardino...2011/99........2010/113.....2009/70.......2008/165.....2007/295





There you have it. In the 9 year period, the prices went up and then they came back down. Hopefully in 2012 we will see some median increase.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Idyllwild's Lemon Lily Festival

July 15, 2011

Today begins the 2nd annual Lemon Lily Festival at Idyllwild. In the Inland Empire we have some wonderful celebrations of the flora that grows in our area. We have a Citrus Festival in riverside, an Orange Show in San Bernardino, an Iris Festival in Yucaipa, a Lavender Festival in Highland Springs and for the past two years a Lemon Lily Festival in Idyllwild. For the next three days you can enjoy nature walks, art shows, specialty foods, old time crafts, line dancing and an old time hoedown.

Several of the activities do have an admittance charge. In general these charges are minimal. Event details at

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Median Prices - 2011

July 14, 2011

Here is a look at the median prices of residential real estate reported sold through the CRMLS. These median prices are arrived at in a very simplistic methodology. I take the total number of units reported as sold, divide by 2 and post the selling price of the property that falls at that halfway point.Since my methodology is consistent, I hope that the numbers reported are indicative of the medians in the actual market.









Grand Terrace.............Jan/203,000.....Feb/242,000.....Mar/200,000




Loma Linda................Jan/250,000.....Feb/219,000......Mar/220,000




Moreno Valley...........Jan/155,000.......Feb/154,000.....Mar/148,000








San Bernardino......Jan/122,000......Feb/105,000......Mar/95,000




There are the numbers. With the exception of the very small communities such as Grand Terrace and Mentone, the median prices fall within a relatively tight trading range. Hopefully this is a sign that the market is finally stabilizing.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Look at Units Sold First Half 2011

July 13, 2011

You be the judge. Does the volume of sold transactions seem to indicate that the real estate market is reaching a bottom?





Grand Terrace............Jan/6......Feb/9.....Mar/11......Apr/10....May/8.......June/13


Loma Linda................Jan/22....Feb/12...Mar/15......Apr/12....May/22.....June/18


Moreno Valley.......................Jan/191...Feb/159..Mar/273...Apr/246..May/232..June/269




San Bernardino.....Jan/189...Feb/141...Mar/213...Apr/220..May/202..June/230


It is interesting to note that with the exception of Grand Terrace and Mentone, the volume in February was the lowest for the year. Then the volume in March picked up. This could reflect delays in closing.
What do you think? It does seem as though the trend has been increased sales as the year progressed. Let's hope that this is a trend that continues.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Closed Residential Sales - June 2011-2003

July 12, 2011

Here are the numbers for the residential properties that were reported sold through the CRMLS for the months of June 2011 - 2003.













Grand Terrace...............2011/13.......2010/10.......2009/15.........2008/12






Loma Linda..................2011/18........2010/23........2009/14.........2008/14






Moreno Valley.............2011/269....2010/297.......2009/435.......2008/304












San Bernardino.........2011/230.....2010/276......2009/361.......2008/175






There you have it. Volume dropped substantially in 2008 and rose in 2009 as prices seemed very attractive. The current numbers, for most communities, seem to be back to a fairly normal volume.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Week for Numbers

July 11, 2011

This week I will be posting the numbers for the closed transactions for the month of June. One half of the year 2011 is now behind us. As always, it will be interesting to see if we are still bouncing along the bottom, double dipping or steadying out.

If you have followed the monthly postings, you may already have formed an opinion as to the character of the present real estate market place. Check your opinion against the numbers posted this week. There will be June closing from 2011-2003; June median prices; over $400,000 sales; and the January through June 2011 closings and medians.

I was sorting through a box of saved papers and I came across a chart I had made in October 2008 of median prices since January 2008. Interestingly, those numbers showed the trending downward that was occurring. Many economists cite September of 2008 as the date of the financial crash. In the numbers that are listed, the median price had dropped $100,000 from where it had been in January 2008 - not all at once but in a 10 month period.

Tune in for the 2011 numbers.

Friday, July 08, 2011

One Way to Have Fun Out of the Heat

July 8, 2011

As seems to always be the case, there are many activities to enjoy in The Inland Empire. If you like hard rock and metal music, there is the "Metal Madness" at the San Manual Amphitheatre in Devore is on the stage on Saturday. This will not get you out of the heat so bring lots of water to keep hydrated.

However, less hot and totally family oriented will be LifeHouse Theater's new musical comedy, "The Jungle Book" adapted from Rudyard Kipling's collection of stories. Wayne Scott does a fabulous job of creating musical adaptations of classical stories that are great fun. At 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, the first performance of this adaptation will open and will continue until August 14, 2011.

Performances after this weekend will be 7:30 p.m. on Fridays; 2:15 and 7:30 p.m. on Saturdays and 2:15 p.m. on Sundays.

Information can be obtained at 909-335-3037, ext, 21 or

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Improving Your Home Can Be a Real Benefit

July 6, 2011

Until home prices improve, many home owners are staying in their present homes. If they can, some of these homeowners are investing in their present homes by making either cosmetic or energy saving improvements. New windows are a great way to do both the cosmetic and energy saving upgrade.

I heard on the radio this morning that the installation of home solar electrical systems has increased 47% over last years numbers. Some of the interest in making this improvement is stimulated by the California solar rebates, but some is also the result of homeowners wanting to cut their energy costs. It will be interesting to see how solar energy translates in value when these homes come up for sale.

The one improvement that does seem to increase the present marketability of a home is the installation of dual glazed and /or argon windows. Buyers nowadays do comment on window replacement. It might even be worth looking into any rebates for this improvement.

Garage door replacement is probably the least expensive of improvements that a home owner can do. It gives a real bang for the buck and seems to be important to home buyers.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

"In the Good Old Summer Time"

July 5, 2011

"In the Good Old Summertime" is a song written in 1902 that continues to be sung at campsites and family times around a piano. It's lyrics begin: "There's a time in each year

That we always hold dear,

Good old summer time. With the birds and the trees'es

And sweet scented breezes,

Good old summer time."

With the celebration of the 4th of July behind us, we now take on our summer plans. Traditionally, summer has been a time when folks decide to look at making a change in their living quarters. As real estate agents, we do not plan vacations in the summer but rather make ourselves available to list and sell properties. This year, with interest rates at all time lows (although they may be rising a tad), home prices at levels that 53% of Inland Empire residents can afford the median priced home, and a reasonable inventory of unsold homes, prospective buyers can have the opportunity to purchase a home.

The "Good Old Summer Time" is the Good Old Home Buying Time. It's when my family always moved. How about you?

Monday, July 04, 2011

Take a Moment - Celebrate Your Freedom

July 4, 2011

Independence day is a national holiday set aside to remember our forefathers who risked everything to sign the Declaration of Independence. As we celebrate the day let us take a moment to remember that our freedom is a precious thing - not something to be taken for granted. Men and women have fought to keep us free. In 1941, FDR articulated the four freedoms:

Freedom of speech

Freedom to worship

Freedom from want

Freedom fr0m fear

Perhaps from time to time it is good to see that we are working to make these freedoms a reality for all of us.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Fourth of July - An American Celebration

July 1, 2011

For those of you who subscribe to The Press Enterprise, the Guide section on page S7 lists 47 different venues in Southern California that will be celebrating the 4th of July with fireworks shows or all day community events.

There wil be fireworks after the 66ers game at Arrowhead Credit Union Park in San Bernardino. Admission $4 to $11 . 909-88-9922

Big Bear Lake will have an Independence Day Festival opening Saturday at 10 a.m. on Saturday; Sunday 10 a.m. and Monday, 10 a.m. at the Big Bear Lake Convention Center, 42398 Big Bear Blvd. Big Bear Lake. Admission $3. 909-585-3000

The traditional Community 4th of July in Redlands will begin Monday at 9 1.m. in Sylvan Park. A parade will take place at 10:30 a.m. University of Redlands Stadium ceremonies will begin at 7 p.m. with a C17 flyover at 7:13 p.m.; fireworks at 9 p.m. $7 in advance $10 at the gate and reserved seating may still be available at an additional fee. 909-798-7531

Check the listings in your local newspaper.