Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Are Earthtone Colors Making a Comeback?

September 25, 2012
It has been several years since home owners began using taupe for their interior wall paint instead of that old standard, Navajo White. Real estate agents were recommending that homeowners use a tan color if they repainted and wanted to refresh the look of the interior of the home. However, of late, as I drive around, I have noticed that newly painted exteriors of homes have taken on deeper coloring such as dark tan, brown, and rust trim. I have even noticed a few freshly painted homes that are a medium shade of green.
Back in the 1970s and early 1980s, everything was earth tones for exterior painting. Actually not the deeper tans that are being used today, but rather a sand color with darker trim.
Is it possible that, true to the adage, tastes recycle, and we will be turning from the cream colored stucco to the deeper tan?
If you are thinking of repainting the exterior of your home, it might be wise to check out the trends.Since usually an exterior painting project is not done very often, whatever you choose needs to fit your likes and  your neighborhood. .


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