Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's the Great California Shakeout Time

October 17, 2012
Lest we all forget that we live in earthquake territory, tomorrow is the Great California Shakeout Day. At 10 a.m., first responders will be participating in a simulated earthquake disaster.I believe that the simulated earthquake will begin near the Salton Sea. It will be a magnitude 7.8 .earthquake and in 240 seconds will have traveled up the lower San Andreas fault to the LA area. The schools as well as attendees at the San Bernardino Country Museum will participate in a "drop, cover and hold on drill. The purpose of this simulated drill is increase citizen awareness of the need to be prepared for an earthquake that scientists believe will occur sometime in the next thirty years.
Earthquakes cannot be prevented but preparation can limit the damage.
Here are the suggested seven steps to earthquake safety:
1) Identify potential hazards in your home and fix them.
2) Create a disaster preparedness plan
3) Prepare disaster supplies kits.
4)Identify your buildings potential weaknessees and begin the process of fixing them.
5) Protect yourself during an earthquake shaking - still recommended: drop, cover and holdon.
6) After the earthquake, check for injuries and damage, Evacuate if necessary.
7) When safe, continue to follow your disaster plan.
Tomorrow we will address a disaster plan.


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