Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wrapping It Up

December 26, 2012
Just when you thought that "wrapping" was finished, I suggest that it is time to "wrap" some more. Yes your holiday gifts were wrapped and by now the wrappings have all gone into the re-cycle bin. However, the gift giving season is always followed by the final week of the current year. You now have six days to wrap up your final year end donations, bill paying and any other tasks you wanted to complete this year.
I am told that financial advisers have been busy for the past weeks, trying to help clients figure out what they need to do to prepare for 2013's changes in a variety of governmental programs. Since none of us know what those changes will really be it is hard to prepare. However, if you have a mortgage, make your January payment now. Mortgage deductions are still allowable in 2012 and who knows about 2013.
If you couldn't quite decide whether the time was right to purchase a home in 2012, take a good look at your housing needs, your finances and contact a lender to get pre approved so that you will be able to take advantage of the low home prices before the market rises.(Supply and demand and low interest rates could easily push prices.)
 If you work at loan companies, title companies or escrow companies, you will be working overtime for the next three business days in order to wrap up their clients home purchases. This year, almost more than many prior years, those of us in the real estate business will definitely be busy wrapping up transactions.
For many, 2012 will be a good year to just "wrap up".


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