Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The 10 Day Checkup

January 10, 2007

The year 2007 is now 10 days old. I have been blogging with suggestions for sprucing up your home. Are those Christmas bulbs planted in the garden? The weather this first week was great for being out of doors. Are you working on the closets? If it is too overwhelming or you are back to work and time is at a premium, commit to 20 minutes a day or one shelf or one box. You will feel so good as you clear out the "don't needs".

Have you decided that 2007 will be the year you make a move to a larger or a smaller home..or a new location? Maybe you keep listening to all those PBS special about the coming disaster in the real estate market. I know that people who meet me and know I am a Realtor are continuously asking "What is the market going to do?". I do not have a crystal ball and I would guess that neither do all the well educated economists. We look at the data and try to draw conclusions. However, my 30 years in the business tell me that owning the home that fits your needs is the reward....not the great investment it may or may not turn out to be.

So if you want to make a change of residence, don't hang back. There are great properties for sale and your dream home could be one of them. Check out how your present home fits your needs and if it lacks an important amenity, begin the search.


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