Friday, January 05, 2007

Time to prune the roses

January 5, 2007

In Southern Califiornia, January and February are the months to prune. If you are unfamiliar with how to prune a rose bush, check out the garden section of the local newspaper, get a Sunset Magazine, or join your local garden club. If you are an avid internet user, just google"Pruning Roses in Southern California" and you will also find help.

Roses that are pruned now will give big and beautiful blooms for spring. If you are driving around town you will notice that many pruners take the roses down to about a foot from the ground. Pruning does not have to be quite that severe, but a significant pruning will greatly enhance your spring blooms.

While you are checking your roses, you might also check your other perennial plants and shrubs. Clean out the dead branches and tidy up the garden. The garden will temporarily be a bit stark, but the future benefits are well worth the winter look.


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