Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Earthquake Country - Are You Prepared?

June 19, 2007

It has been several years since I thought much about earthquakes. That is interesting to me as every real estate transaction requires a Natural Hazard Disclosure form to be completed by the seller. Mostly, however, a third party service is used to disclose potential natural hazards that could affect the property.

I happened to read an article recently about earthquake preparedness and realized that I had become lax in my own preparedness. We do have a swimming pool so I feel we will have a source for water. We also have a propane barbeque so I feel I will be able to cook even if my kitchen were to become non functional. But a walk through my house made me aware of potential hazards that could be remedied.

I have a hot water tank that was strapped when it was installed in 1988, but the requirements for strapping were different than they now are. Water tank strapping kits are available at local hardware stores, Lowe's, and Home Depot.
They cost about $75 and if you were to sell your house, state law would require you to strap the water heater. So do it now for your own safety.

I once had a wrench for turning off the gas supply to my house, but it has long since been misplaced. I need to buy one and keep it by the gas meter.

Then there are the kitchen cupboards. Once cupboards had latches, but nowadays they do not. You probably can find latches, but you may not want to install them. I guess I need to do some research on what could work to hold a cupboard door.

I have a friend who uses angle irons to bolt her large china cupboard to the wall. I found that you can purchase straps that will also hold large furniture pieces in place.

Picture hooks that hold the wires in place are also available. And I checked to see if I had any pictures hanging over a bed where they might fall and injure a sleeping person.

It was an interesting tour and I see that I have some installations to do, if I want to upgrade my earthquake protection.

Tomorrow, I will look at what goes in your preparedness kit or kits.


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