Monday, June 04, 2007

Home is Where the Heart Is !

June 4, 2007

Owning a home has always given me a sense of place. Our first home was certainly not the house we had always dreamed of owning but it was what we could afford at the time. Sure, we looked at houses that were more like we thought we wanted, but somehow they were always a bit out of our pocketbook.

So we bought a nice 3 bedroom, 1 bath house in Rocky River, Ohio for $23,500.
(Oh yes, this was 1958) The seven years that we lived in that house, it became our home. The house became ours, the neighbors became our dear friends and the house became our home. And back then we were not thinking that it was an investment! Rather it was the place where we decorated the rooms as we wanted and pursued our hobbies without a landlord dictating what we could or couldn't do. It was such freedom!

Today, buyers read either that a house is a good investment or a terrible investment. Stocks may be either good or bad investments, but unlike houses, you cannot live in them or design them to fit your lifestyle. You leave them with your broker or put them in a safety deposit box. They cannot give you a sense of place!

I don't know quite when houses became somethng other than where you lived and where you created your space in this world. I just know that for me, owning a home has always allowed me to have a retreat from the hustle and bustle of
daily obligations. It has been a place where I could surround myself with whatever I found near and dear to my heart - family and possessions.

I am convinced that owning a home of my own has given me priceless memories.


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