Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Q&A Responses

August 21, 2007

I reader of the blog on tilt-up construction raised the question regarding how the wall slabs are attached to the foundation. Obviously my knowledge of construction in general and tilt-up construction in particular is extremely limited. However, I am always willing to do a little research and learn a little more about subjects that capture my attention and/or imagination.

There is a great deal of tilt-up construction occurring on the corners of West Redlands Blvd. and Nevada Street. Since I drive by this corner several times daily, I slowed down and tried to see how the wall slabs were being attached.

I could not really tell for sure, but I could see that there is a trench surrounding the foundation slab. The trenches are filled with rebar and concrete. The slabs, when lifted by the huge cranes, sit, I think, in these trenches.

I also queried a contractor friend who described the rebar that was also embedded into the wall slabs at both the top and bottom. The top to attach to the crane, the bottom to attach to the rebar and concrete in the trench (I think).

If you are as fascinated as I am by this type of construction here is a web site that was really helpful to me. http://www.tiltupnews.com/. Go to the "Tilt-up Construction Process" and you will have a great description and some pictures.


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