Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day - 1882-2007

September 3, 2007

Labor Day is a workers holiday held on the first Monday in Spetmeber. In 1882, the Knights of Labor, an American workers organization, decided to call the first Monday in September Labor Day. Workers throughout th U.S. asked for state laws to make Labor Day a legal holiday. In 1887, Colorado was the first state to declare Labor Day a legal holiday. It is now a legal holiday thoughout the U.S. and Canada.

Initially, workers held parades, labor leaders adressed meetings to stress the improtance of labor. Until the 20th century, unions did not play an important role in the labor day activities. However, by the 1940s, workers' unions became a force in regognizing the worker's contributions to the country's econoomic health.

Today, Labor Day seems to have become the last hurrah of summer and the beginning of the fall activities. Family get-togethers and friendly picnics mark the holiday. Of course, retailers make use of the non-work day of many to offer shoppers some special sales. Historically, Labor Day was a first in giving workers a long weekend. Perhaps the popularity of 3 day weekends among workers began with the early Labor Day celebrations. Those of us who enjoy 3 day holidays should thank the Knights of Labor for such a great tradition.


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