Friday, September 07, 2007

Some Facts About the Redlands Unified School District

September 7, 2007

I attended the Redlands Chamber of Copmmerce Rise and Shine monthly Breakfast this morning. Neal Waner, a member of the Redlands Unified School District Board of Education was the Emcee. He shared the following statistical data.


1)RUSD encompases 147 sq. miles and serves 5 communities.

2)Redlands High School was established in 1891 giving it the distinction of being the oldest high school in California on its original campus.

3)There are 43 languages identified and spoken at RUSD.

4)The total general fund (budget) for RUSD is just over $161 million, 83% of which is spent on employees and benefits.


5) The total enrollment for RUSD is 21,150.

6)Each of our 4 middle schools has in excess of 1050 students.

7)The enrollment at RHS is 3,420; at REV it is 3,658.

RHS (Redlands High School) REV (Redlands East Valley High School)

8) 5 years ago a comprehensive high school cost approximately $60 million to build. That same high school now costs just ove $110 million.


9) The "going to college" rate for graduating seniors is approximately 50% nationwide, 44% in San Bernardino county and 80% for graduates of RHS, REV and Orangewood.

10) RHS will be recognized, once again, by Newsweek Magazine as a national outstanding school.

RHS boasts an API score of 742. The API score for REV is 748.

The RUSD enjoys a reputation for well run schools with great faculty, supportive parents and an engaged student body. The RUSD is one of the reasons that homes in the City of Redlands are as sought after as they are.


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