Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Has Sprung

March 18, 2008

When I lived in Ohio, we always knew Spring was here when we saw our first Robin Red Breast, a migratory bird that comes back after the cold winter. Here in Inland Southern California there is a different sign of Spring. The Citrus blossoms.

I remember when I first smelled the aroma of citrus blooms. 40 some years ago, I was driving in the San Fernando Valley when a wonderfully sweet aroma filled my senses. I had no idea what it was or where it was coming from. I subsequently discovered it was the orange groves that still bordered some of the main streets.

This past weekend, I smelled that smell. The mini grove just to the west of our office building, had begun to blossom. It is such a marvelous and joyful smell. I knew that another season was beginning.

It is one thing to loose all our wonderful citrus groves, but it will be far sadder to me to loose that wonderful citrus blossom scent.


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