Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Here Are Some Positive Tidbits

January 27, 2009

If you set your mind to find some positive signs in the present economy, you can find a few.

1) The number of existing homes sold in December showed unexpected gains. (if you checked this blog on January 8, you would have noted this trend in the Inland Empire.)

2) The Conference Board's index of leading indicators also showed a gain in December.

3) Statisticians reported that 60% of the Inland Empire families could qualify for the median priced home.

4) Price declines have opened the door to home ownership for folks who were priced out in the past 5 years.

5) Interest Rates are remaining low.

Some of the positive signs are the normal trends in market cycles. In the best of all possible worlds, the government will enact programs that build on these signs.


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