Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Weeding, Feeding and Maintinaing the Garden

July 29, 2009

We have had record breaking heat the past week or so and this hot, dry weather can be stressful to your plants. Well maintained landscaping is a great value enhancer for any property. Plants generally are happy if they have food, water and a weed and pest free setting.

The use of mulches is a great help in keeping the weeds away. There are some common household items that can deter the bugs. Soapy water sprayed directly onto aphids will wash them off or kill them. (1-3 teaspoons of detergent into 1 gallon of water) Rolled up newspaper will look like hiding places to bugs like earwigs. Put them out at night and collect and dispose of them in the morning. Saucers of beer will attract and trap slugs. Sprays made with garlic, chives and marigolds will keep bugs away. Plantings of nasturtiums will repel white flies and spearmint and tansy will repel ants.

For a natural fertilizer, here is a great idea. Scoop compost into a burlap bag and suspend it in a bucket of water. Steep it for a week or two, moving the bag a little every few days. Use the liquid full-strength or dilute it and your plants will respond with new growth.

Always keep the sprinklers in proper working order. Mow and blow gardeners have a tendency to disturb the sprinkler heads with their weed whackers and not only are the plants not watered properly, you are wasting water.

A well tended garden is a thing of joy and it will give good curb appeal to your property and give pleasure to you, your neighbors and all passersby.


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