Monday, March 22, 2010

Springtime In the Inland Empire

March 22, 2010

Spring is officially here. The vernal equinox occurred on Saturday, March 20. It was ushered in with sunny days, temperatures in the high 70s, low 80s. Added to the perfect weather was the arrival of our unique Inland Empire aroma- the sweet smell of citrus blossoms. A few days of warm weather bring out the blossoms and the wonderful scent that they emit.

At one time you could smell these blossoms in the air almost everywhere because there were so many citrus groves. Nowadays, it is not so easy, but fortunately some municipalities and other entities have purchase groves and are preserving them so that future generations of Inland Empire residents will still enjoy the scent of the blossoms.

Saturday, when I arrived at our office, I was delighted to exit my car and be welcomed with the unique scent. If you have never experienced this incredible scent, come to our parking lot which adjoins the San Bernardino County Museum. The museum had a small grove, that is presently beginning to blossom. It is a real treat for all of us at CENTURY 21 Lois Lauer Realty to be able to have our senses greeted so sweetly.

I know that I am getting maudlin, but as a native Ohioan who had never smelled an orange blossom until I came to California, this sign of Spring is still a wonderment to me. It is one of the reasons that so many of us plant citrus trees in our yards. Let's be sure that it never disappears from our environment.


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