Monday, August 23, 2010

How Do Buyers Choose a House?

August 23, 2010

I sat an open house yesterday and, as always, it is enlightening to chat with the visitors. If they are coming from reading my ad in the newspaper, I assume that the open house has some amenities that are important to the visitor. Some of the visitors now-a-days have come after seeing it on the Internet Interestingly, I have found that most of these visitors cannot or are reluctant to share what it is they are wanting in a home beyond the number of bedrooms and the location.

So, how do buyers choose the home that they want to purchase?

I have learned that most buyers purchase because the property hits some emotional trigger that sets off a desire to live in that house. If they have articulated the features that they need or want, it is amazing how often the home on which they make an offer will lack some of these qualities.

Bottom line: Buyers choose because they can picture themselves living in that choice and their lender has assured them that they will qualify for the purchase price.

An exercise that buyers might use would be the old "needs" versus "wants". You may need at least 3 bedrooms, but you want 4. Figure out what you need to live your lifestyle or the lifestyle you want and you may more easily sort out the hundred of properties that you can look at on the Internet. You will also assist your agent in her search to find your "dream" or "almost dream" home.


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