Monday, March 14, 2011

Don't Procrastinate Any Longer

March 14, 2011

This time I am not referring to procrastinating over buying a home. This time I am referring to your personal earthquake preparedness. The 9.0 earthquake in Japan should be a reminder that we, too, live in earthquake country. While building codes have been strengthened, but even if the buildings survive there can be a need for individuals to be prepared. Food, water and warm clothing may be vital to surviving electrical blackouts and distribution routes being shut down.

I know that I have a pantry full of canned goods - soups, fruits and the like. However, many have expiration dates that have long since passed. While the food inside the cans maybe safe to eat, it is probably wise to replenish the supply. Having a plastic container in the trunk of one's car is also a good idea. food, water, clothing and especially comfortable shoes are essential. A can opener should be kept with these supplies.

This is simple preparedness. The other simple preparedness is a disaster plan that describes a contact strategy for locating friends and family.
There have been major disaster events around the world. It is time for all of us to be serious about our own disaster preparedness.


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