Thursday, August 04, 2011

Ant Control

August 4, 2011

I entered my kitchen yesterday morning and found my countertops crawling with itsy bitsy brownish ants. There was no food for them to be after, but there they were coming up from the floor in a steady stream. I remembered that I had read in one of the Jerry Baker books about household tips that cinnamon would deter ants. Fortunately I had a jar of ground cinnamon and after I wiped off the ants with wet paper towels, I lavishly sprinkled it on the countertop and on the on the spot where it looked as though they were entering. Since cinnamon is a wonderful smell at breakfast time, I hoped that it would in fact rid my kitchen of the army of ants.

When I returned home for lunch there was not an ant to be seen. I don't know how the cinnamon works, but it was a pleasanter solution that insecticide. Of course, I have to wipe up the dry brown powder. Let's hope that the ants do not reappear.

I am going to try another one of Jerry Baker's formulas. Put peppermint extract in a spray bottle with water. Spray my counter and the entry points and watch to see if no ants invade.


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