Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mortgage Bailout Plans

December 6, 2007

It seems as if every branch of government and many of the presidential candidates are proposing some kind of mortgage bail out plan. All strongly deny that the plans would benefit lenders or investors or speculators. All say the purpose of the proposals is to help homeowners who are in trouble to keep their homes.

There is the Secretary of the Treasury Paulson's plan, there is congress's plan, there is President Bush's plan, there is Hilary Clinton's plan and who knows what other folks may also make a proposal. Bottom line: How do you feel about helping the folks threatened with losing their homes? I would love to hear whether you think some plan is necessary or whether you think people need to be responsible for their financial decisions - good or bad.

For those of you who are in danger of a foreclosure, there is a new hot line established by the HOPE NOW Alliance and is managed by the Homeownership Preservation Foundation. It provides free, independent, bilingual, HUD approved counseling and advice 24 hours a day. For more information you can go to


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