Monday, December 24, 2007

Twas the Day Before Christmas - 2007

December 24, 2007
All the news media are busily featuring shoppers hustling and bustling to complete the last minute Christmas shopping. Hopefully some of you have finished your gift buying and are enjoying our beautiful weather, the music that is on or in the air and the calls and visits from family and friends.
Generosity and celebration are the bywords of the season. We give for the joy of pleasuring those about whom we care. We celebrate because we are blessed with family, friends and the kindnesses that a Christmas season encourages.
So don't turn the season into "Bah Humbug" just because there seems to be such pressure to feel that your life is out of control. Take time to smell the roses - or if you have already pruned your rose bushes - smell the cinnamon spices, the evergreen branches and the roasting turkey. In any event, the holiday seasons offers a respite from the daily routine and allows us toput aside our cares and enjoy, at least for one day, the folks who are most important to us.


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