Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winter Has Come - Is Your Garden Ready?

December 11, 2007

I had frost on the windshield of my car, so I know the winter season has arrived!

Many times it takes me unawares and I lose some of my treasured plants. We have just had some really soaking rains which will be great for our gardens. In Southern California, we can trim up our perennial plants and add color with annuals . Cyclamen and pansies seem to be favorites for our winter gardens.

If you really want to increase the attractiveness of your yard, a seeding of winter rye will turn your lawn a beautiful shade of bright green. There are companies such as Green-Guard that will do this seeding for you.

From now until the end of January, rose bushes need to be cut back. I know that the sticks that remain are not especially attractive, but the roses will thrive and send out healthy new shoots.

Visit your local garden shop and get the professional advice about nutrients and about pruning. If you can spend the time now to spruce up your yard, you will be thrilled with the results when Spring arrives.


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