Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Have You Heard

April 5, 2011 I do not know whether I am super sensitive to repetition, but of late there are two phrases that the media seems to enjoy using. The first is "the new normal" and the second is "the next level". If you follow editorials about the current state of real estate sales, you have certainly heard the phrase "the new normal". Suggestions are made that the high percentage of bank-owned or short sale properties is "the new normal". Or perhaps, that buyers asking for the seller to pay closing costs is the "new normal". I looked up "normal n the dictionary and found that it is an adjective that is defined as "conforming to a standard" or "serving to establish a standard". It would seem that in the present usage of "normal" the users are suggesting that current conditions in real estate transactions are establishing a new standard. Some discussion of what that new standard really is might be a useful post. The second phrase "the next level" is often found in commentary on the stock market, on sports teams and on current economic trends. Apparently it is felt that we have achieved improvement up to a certain level and that it is time to be successful at "the next level" whatever that may be. Again, perhaps a discussion describing the characteristics of "the next level" could be enlightening. When you are reading or listening to the media, check and see if these phrases are as prevalent as they seemed to me.


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