Thursday, February 07, 2008

How Does Your Garden Grow?

February 7, 2008
With the weatherpersons predicting a sunny weekend, now is the time to check out your garden. Get rid of the moist leaves that the wind and rain have left in the garden beds. Turn the soil in the beds where you plan to put new plants - either annuals or perennials. Add equal parts of superphosphate and sulphate of potash for the bulb garden. This is a good time to plant ground covers so they will be established before our hot summer arrives.
And fertilize in earnest in February. Nitrogen encourages green growth, phosphorus increases blooms and potash is great for healthy root systems.
Check out your camelia plants. Remove infected blooms that brown and destroy the camelia flowers.
If the weather experts are correct, this weekend will be perfect for freshening up the garden.


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