Thursday, December 22, 2011

Some Tips for Lowering Your Heating Bills

December 22, 2011

With the cold snap we have experienced the past week, we can probably look forward to an increase in our monthly gas bill. According to the Southern California Gas Company, home heating is the biggest winter energy expense for most of us - about 65 percent of a typical residential gas bill, followed by 20 percent for water heating and 15 percent for drying clothes, cooking meals and other uses.

The Gas Company offers these tips to help reduce your gas bills:

"Lower your thermostat by 3 to 5 degrees, health permitting.

Clean or replace furnace filters as directed by the manufacturer.

Remove dirt, lint and obstructions from all heating vents and furnace registers.

Bring the sun's warmth indoors by opening drapes, shades and other window coverings during the day. Close them at night to retain the heat."

I might add one more item. However, it will probably require having a professional heating technician come by. Often in property inspection reports, the inspector notes that some of the ducting has gaps which let hot air escape into the attic areas. Since this can be a significant heat loss, having therm re taped can bring a significant reduction in your heating bill.


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